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Faculty Members
- ABE Kōji (Sociology)
- AIZAWA Naoki (Russian Literature, Comparative Literature)
- AKAKURA Izumi (Modern Chinese Politics)
- AMANO Naoki (Modern History of Russian Far East, Sakhalin Studies)
- ASHITANI Keisuke (政治学、日本政治、ジェンダー)
- CHEN Chuhui (日本漢文学、中国文学)
- GŌDA Yōsuke (French Literature and Arts)
- HATADA Masanori ()
- HIHARA Yukie (労働法)
- HONDA Hiroki (地域政策)
- HONDA Kaoru (Information Science, Ergonomics)
- HONG Ja-eul (Financial Accounting)
- HSU Shih-Chia (Cultural History of East Asia, Taiwanese Studies)
- IKEDA Hirono (Philosophy of Law)
- IKEDA Mitsunori (Linguistics)
- IKUTA Yoshiho (Japanese Medieval Literature, Linked Verse)
- IMAMURA Masao (Southeast Asian History)
- ISHIGURO Shiho (日本中世史、和歌論、図書館史)
- ISHIZAWA Yasunori (History of Western Art, Studies of Culture and Representation)
- ITŌ Yutaka (Comparative Cultural Studies)
- IZUMIDA Yasuichi (Administrative Law)
- KAKINAMI Ryōsuke (Contemporary French Philosophy, Culture and Representation Studies)
- KAKIZAKI Shinya (技術哲学、産業論、科学社会学、科学技術史)
- KANEKO Yoshihisa (Marketing)
- KANZAWA Mayuka (民法・不法行為法)
- KATO KENJI (比較文学)
- KIYOZUKA Kunihiko (Philosophy)
- KOBAYASI Masanori (行動科学、認知心理学、感情心理学)
- KOENS Kumiko (Commercial Law)
- KOIZUMI Yukiko (Psycholinguistics, English Linguistics)
- KONNO Kenichi (Constitutional Law, Education Law)
- KOREKAWA Haruhiko (Economic Theory, Public Economics)
- KYOI Shinsuke (環境経済学)
- Mark IRWIN (Historical Linguistics, Sociolinguistics, History of Japanese, Japanese Phonology)
- MARUYAMA Masami (International Law, Law of International Organizations)
- MATSUMOTO Kunihiko (Japanese Politics, Japanese Diplomatic History)
- MATUMOTO Go (人類学(おもにアンデス考古学および文化人類学))
- MORI Yuto (Civil Law, Contract Law in Common Law, Consumer Law)
- MORIOKA Takashi (Modern Japanese Literature)
- NAKAMURA Atsushi (Asian History, Mongolian History)
- NAKAMURA Ayako (国際関係論)
- NAKAMURA Takashi (English Literature)
- NAKASHIMA Hiroshi (Constitutional Law)
- NAKAZAWA Nobuyuki (Japanese Linguistics)
- NISHIHIRA Naofumi (Control Theory, Educational Technology)
- NISHIOKA Masaki (Criminal Law)
- OBATA Keisuke (日本近代史)
- OKANIWA Fusae (健康経済学、労働経済学)
- ŌKUBO Kiyoaki (Film Studies, Studies of Culture and Representation)
- OOSUGI takayuki (認知心理学、知覚心理学)
- SAKAI Keisuke (環境動態論)
- SAKAI Masato (Cultural Anthropology, Andean Archaeology)
- SAKAMOTO Naoki (Public Finance, Applied Economics)
- SATO Masami (日本古代史)
- SETTSU Takanobu (German Literature, German Theater)
- SHIMODAIRA Hiroyuki (History of Economic Thought)
- SHOJI Kazuho (アンデス考古学、文化人類学、古環境学)
- Steve RYAN (Intercultural Communication, Cross-Cultural Psychology)
- SUNADA Hiroshi (Econometrics, Statistics)
- SUZUKI Akihiro (Game Theory, Decision Theory, Experimental Economics)
- SUZUKI Tōru (English Linguistics)
- TAKAHASHI Masahiko (Linguistics, Syntax)
- TAKAHASHI Yoshiaki (Japanese Civil Code and History, Real Estate Registration Systems)
- TAKAKURA Shinki (Criminal Procedure)
- TAKITA Toshiaki (Urban and Rural Economics, Place Branding Economics, Transportation and Communication Economics)
- TAMEGAWA Kenichi (Macroeconomics)
- TOKITO Shohei (国際経済学)
- TOMIZAWA Naoto (English Syntax)
- UTSU Mariko (American Literature)
- WATANABE Fumio (Japanese Linguistics)
- WATANABE Masanao (German Literature, Comparative Culture)
- YAMADA Hirohisa (Urban Geography)
- YAMAGUCHI Masaki (International Finance)
- YAMAMOTO Atsushi (Andean Archeology, Cultural Anthropology)
- YOSHIWARA Motoko (Small Business, Local Industry)